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Big Life Journal

Science And Education Education

big life journal: growth mindset for kids & teens

we create effective tools and resources to help kids and teens develop a growth mindset so they can face life's challenges with confidence and have every opportunity in life. our products are based on the latest research, and that's what makes them so unique and effective.

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About Big Life Journal

Big Life Journal, founded by Alexandra and Scott, is a brand driven by a passionate mission to empower parents in nurturing confident, resilient, and ambitious children. Recognizing the crucial role of instilling a growth mindset in young minds, they share their personal experiences and insights as fellow parents. Through the Big Life Journal, they aim to equip parents with a valuable resource to guide their children toward positive outlooks, resilience, and a willingness to embrace challenges. By emphasizing the transformative power of a growth mindset, they hope to inspire parents to cultivate an environment that fosters learning from mistakes and encourages the pursuit of excellence. Michael, their son, serves as the inspiration for the creation of these journals, with the sincere aspiration that they positively impact the lives of other children as well.

Who Shops at Big Life Journal

Parents seeking impactful tools for fostering their children's confidence and resilience often turn to the Big Life Journal. Founded by Alexandra and Scott, this brand is dedicated to providing resources that empower parents in guiding their children toward a positive outlook on life. With Michael, their own son, as inspiration, they have crafted journals designed to instill a growth mindset in children. Through their offerings, they hope to equip parents with the means to encourage ambition and resilience in their kids, fostering an environment where trying new things and learning from mistakes are celebrated as essential steps in the journey toward achieving great things in life.

Big Life Journal Shipping Policy

Big Life Journal is delighted to assist you with your holiday shopping, providing shipping options to various destinations. It's important to note that, due to the high volume of shipments during the holiday season, all couriers may experience delays, and we cannot guarantee delivery dates for orders shipped with free shipping. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. To ensure faster and guaranteed delivery, customers are encouraged to consider upgrading their shipping method.

For specific holiday deadlines, please refer to the provided dates for each shipping method. Additionally, free shipping is available for qualifying orders in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. For customers in the UK and EU, orders ship from the UK, and VAT and duties may apply upon delivery.

Big Life Journal extends its shipping services to the US, UK, EU, Canada, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Australian and New Zealand customers are directed to our Australia store. For customers outside these zones, we recommend exploring third-party services that allow you to set up a US shipping address for international shipping.

It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure accurate shipping information. While we strive to expedite processing and shipping, any cancellations or address changes must be communicated promptly to [email protected]. If the package is returned due to an incorrect address, a refund can be issued, excluding shipping fees. For more details on returns, please contact [email protected]. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Big Life Journal Return Policy

When placing an order at Big Life Journal, customers assume responsibility for the return shipping costs back to Big Life Journal. It's important to note that certain items, such as gift cards and downloadable products like ebooks or printable kits and posters, may not be eligible for return. For detailed instructions on initiating a return, customers are encouraged to reach out to [email protected]. For further assistance or clarification, kindly contact our support team via the provided email address.