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Trusted by the world’s most innovative marketing teams

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The Ultimate Email Inspiration Database

Discover, save, and organize winning email campaigns from your favorite brands.

Subscribing to a bunch of newsletters just to stay on top email trends?

Say goodbye to flooded inboxes full of competitor campaigns. Emails Nest provides you with creative inspiration, essential competitive intelligence and industry insights for email marketing campaigns.

Discover in real time your favorite brands and competitors are sending.

Forget Outdated Searches - Access a Live Feed of Trend-Setting Email Campaigns.

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Discover, Save, and Revisit Your Favorite Email Designs Anytime

Discovered the perfect email inspiration? Save it forever by bookmarking it. And organize it with the collections feature.

Curate personalized moodboards
Categorize designs by campaign type, holidays, and more
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Build visual libraries tailored to your brand
Create a client-facing brand gallery to proudly exhibit your standout email campaigns
Share collections to teammates, allowing real-time feedback and iterations

Email marketing should be bringing in 25% of your total revenue.

No more guesswork - gain behind the scenes access to the email marketing methods driving results from your favorite brands to your industry rivals.

Email Scroll

Trusted by the most innovative marketing teams

In today's hyper-competitive business landscape, effective communication with your audience is paramount. Email marketing remains a powerful tool for engaging customers, promoting products, and building brand loyalty. Whether you're a dynamic startup or a seasoned Fortune 5000 corporation, leveraging Emails Nest intelligence tool can be a game-changer for your marketing strategy.

Voy Media Netflix Salesforce Fanduel Fanduel Salesforce

Stay Ahead of the Curve in Real Time

Imagine having a real-time pulse on the latest trends, just like Netflix but for email research. Spot emerging trends before your competitors and seize opportunities while they're hot.

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Access Exclusive Templates from Elite Email Strategists

Open the door to private HTML templates used by the world's foremost email marketers. Uncover the strategies that power the best in the business.

Japan Crate HTML Scroll


Our users love Emails Nest

“As a marketing professional, I've tried many tools, but Emails Nest is one of a kind. It's a goldmine for industry insights and competitor analysis. It's now an essential part of our toolkit”

Olivia Stratton

“Impressed with Emails Nest's email volume metrics. It helps us fine-tune our email campaigns and ensure we're sending the right message at the right time. Great tool for any business!”

Benjamin McClelland

“It provides us with a competitive edge by tracking our competitors' moves. A must-have for any serious marketer”

Madison Brandt

“Email Nest's optimal sending time insights have boosted our email engagement. It's like having a crystal ball for email marketing success!”

Harrison Foster

Create email campaigns faster

Everything you need to get higher open rates

Explore Thousands of Emails from Leading Brands
Dive into a treasure trove of over 1,200,000 emails from your favorite brands. Unearth captivating headlines, stunning visuals, and persuasive ad copy. Curious about their email strategies? We’ve got you covered.
Peek Behind the Curtain
We go beyond mere screenshots. Delve into the HTML and plain text to witness the craftsmanship behind those gorgeous emails.
Unlock Competitor Secrets
Stay ahead of the curve by uncovering the holidays and coupon codes your competitors are leveraging. Gain a competitive edge in the email marketing arena.
Master the Art of Subject Lines
Discover not just subject line ideas, but also the strategies that lead to sky-high open rates. Our expert analysis dissects subject lines from a marketer’s perspective, revealing their secret sauce.

Dominate Email Marketing.
Start using our app today.

Gain Insights, Outperform Competitors, and Maximize ROI with Email Nest's Intelligent Tools.

Still not sure how Emails Nest works?

Here's a few questions we'll help you answer about your competitors

At what time do they usually send their emails?
Did they recently change their email creative?
What were their last 3 email subject lines?
How often do they send emails?
How often do they send promotions?
Are they using a personal reply-to address?