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Pricing plans for teams of all sizes

All plans come with a 30 day guarantee. Love it or we'll give you a full refund and still think you're super awesome for giving it a try.


The essentials

$0 /month

  • Supported via Ads
  • Get Most Recent Emails In Searches
  • Basic analytics
  • 48-hour support response time via email
Explore Emails Nest


Starting to get serious

$29 /month

  • Ad Free Experience!
  • Unlimited Search Results
  • Subscribe to 10 Brands
  • Export up to 25 HTML templates monthly
  • Export up to 25 PDF exports monthly
  • Export unlimited images monthly
  • Basic analytics
  • 24/7 chat support available
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Most popular

A plan that scales with your rapidly growing business.

$79 /month

  • Ad Free Experience!
  • Unlimited Search Results
  • Bookmark Hundreds of Emails
  • Track 40 Brands
  • Export up to 100 HTML templates monthly
  • Export up to 100 PDF exports monthly
  • Export unlimited images monthly
  • Advanced Analytics unlocked
  • Dedicated White Glove support response time
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More power for small teams who want better emails

$99 /month

  • Ad Free Experience!
  • Unlimited Search Results
  • Bookmark Unlimited Emails
  • Track 100 Brands
  • Unlimited Exports
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Competitor Email Notifications & Alerts
  • AI Email Templates (coming soon)
  • Landing Page Screenshots
  • Dedicated White Glove support response time
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